Hi everyone, my name is Mihai Sarbulescu and today I wanted to share a quick support tip with you. Please be aware that some Management Packs for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager have workflows that need to connect to the Internet in order to perform various actions. The Office 365 Management Pack is a good example of this as it needs to connect to the Internet to complete certain actions related to discovery and monitoring. In such situations, if a proxy server is needed to connect to the Internet from the System Center Operations Manager Management Servers, the proxy configured in Internet Explorer or WinHTTP will not be taken into account by the System Center Operations Manager processes – here MonitoringHost.exe processes which are running the actual workflows.
In order to configure the correct proxy server, the MonitoringHost.exe.config file needs to be modified on all management servers from the All Management Servers Resource Pool. The MonioringHost.exe.config file can be found in the System Center Operations Manager installation folder under %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft System Center 2012\Operations Manager\Server\. Make a backup of the MonitoringHost.exe.config file and then add these lines in the <configuration> section of the config XML:
<defaultProxy enabled=”true” useDefaultCredentials=”true”>
<proxy proxyaddress=”http://<PROXYADDRESS>:<PORT>” bypassonlocal=”true” />
Make sure that you replace <PROXYADDRESS> with the correct proxy server address and <PORT> with the correct proxy server port. When done, simply save the MonitoringHost.exe.config file and close it and you’re all set.
Mihai Sarbulescu | Escalation Engineer | Microsoft